Classy gifts for gay men

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While I never received the gifts I'm about to mention, they are certainly gifts I would have enjoyed. While I'm a little past that number, it's not that long ago, that I can't remember it.

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While trying to think like a 40 year old guy, is pretty much impossible unless your a 40 year old guy, I should be able to help. The best you can do, is help to make it a great day with a great gift. Few will admit, and even fewer will admit it to themselves.

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Now, it doesn't matter how young they think they are, turning 40 is a big deal for most guys. So, Mr Oh-So-Special In Your Life, is turning 40, and you have no clue what to get him for a birthday present? Well, fear not, you've come to the right place, and I'm prepared to divulge the secret best gift ideas ever for that soon to be 40 year old in your life.

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